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电影的效果(The Effects of the Movies)

2012-05-08 依 儿
电影的效果(The Effects of the Movies)高考英语写作最重要的是什么?面对日益临近的高考,考生们在英语复习时应该注意哪些问题?在复习中,他们还存在着哪些薄弱环节?考生们如何在最后的冲刺阶段有效地应用科学的复习方法,巩固和提高自己的英语应试能力,高三作文 业余爱好让生活更丰富多彩(Life Becomes Col,怎么用有限的词汇量应对英语考试中的写作?

Have you ever wondered how motion pictures affect you? Research studies show that movies do affect you, for good or ill, in quite different ways. Motion pictures give you information and add it to your store of knowledge. The films you see influence your ideas of right and wrong more than you may realize. When you see pictures presenting certain kinds of people or certain ideas in either a favorable or an unfavorable light,高三作文 下岗职工再就业(Re-employment of Laid-off, you tend to develop a similar feeling toward them. Motion pictures may also affect your emotions. When you go to the movies, your emotions are stimulated. This is part of the motion picture magic. Film fashions in conduct, speech, and appearance do affect you. So let the things you learn be suited to your own way of living.
