试卷 > 小学 > 二年级 > 英语 > 期末 > 2016-2017学年外研版小学二年级英语上册期末测试题



班级________       姓名_______

Listening Part 听力部分

I.Listen and number.(听音,标号,用1,2,3,4,5表示)


II. Listen and order.(听音,排序,用1,2,3表示)

1.orange(   )     milk(   )      ginger(   )

2.dress(   )      shoes(   )      meat(   )

3.get up(   )     watch TV(   )   go home(   )

4.song(   )      team (   )       onion(   )

5.apple(   )     banana(   )      fruit(    )

III. Listen and choose.听音,选出你所听到的单词。

   1 A.  meat               B. mouse

   2 A.  apple               B. banana

   3 A.  elephant             B. monkey

   4 A.  cat                 B. fish

   5 A.  song                B. team

   6 A.  watch  TV          B. get up

   7 A.  go to school          B. Have lunch

   8 A.  T-shirt              B. dress

   9 A.  ice cream            B. ginger

   10A.  tomato              B. onion 

IV. Listen and choose the sentence.(选出听到的句子

(    )1. A. I like meat.               B. I don’t like meat.

(    )2. A. Do you like bananas?         B. Do you like apples?

(    )3. A. She likes this dress.           B. She likes this T-shirt.

(    )4. A. I go to school at 7.           B.I go to school at 8 .

(    )5.A. I dont like ginger.              B. I like ginger.

V. Listen and judge.(听音判断所听字母与录音是否一致,判断对错)

1.  a b c (    )       2. o p q (    )      3. e f g (    )

4.  l m n (    )       5. r s t (     ) 

Writing Part 笔试部分

I. Write the letters.( 写出相对应的大小写字母。)

   a     d      e     r     u      w     x     y

   H      F      K     G     M     N     P     Q

II. Read and choose.(情景选择)


A. My favorite fruit is apple.          

B. My favorite song is the ABC song.


A.  What’s your name?  B.  Hello. 


A. I like noodles.  B. I like meat.


A. Let’s go .      B. Come on .


A. She is a girl.   B. He is a boy.

(    ) 6.你第一次认识Mike,感到十分高兴,你应该这样说:

  A. Me too.         B. Nice to meet you.

(    )7.如果你不喜欢糖果时,应说:  

A.I like sweets.   B.I don’t like sweets.

(    )8.你想问别人是否喜欢吃香蕉时,应说:        

A. Do you like apples?   

B. Do you like bananas? 

(    )9.你想告诉同学这是你最喜欢的裙子,应说:

A. This is my favorite dress.  

B. This is my favorite T-shirt.

(    )10.怎样表达12点吃午饭

A.I get up at 12.    

B.I have lunch at 12.

V. Write.(认真抄写下列单词)

banana      fruit      rice      song      milk

watch       ginger      meat     trousers     orange                                                                                                                                                  

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