试卷 > 初中 > 初一 > 英语 > 新目标初一英语下册Unit9句子追踪与语法单元练习题(附答案)



一、 按要求完成下列句子

1. My father visited the Great Wall last Sunday. (对画线部分提问)

_______________ _______________ your father _______________ last Sunday?

2. How about going swimming?


_______________ _______________ going swimming?

3. It’s time for lunch. (改为同义句)

It’s time _______________ _______________ _______________.

二、 根据汉语意思完成英语句子

4. 这件衬衫怎么样?

_______________ _______________ this shirt?

5. 星期天上午,我打篮球了。

I played basketball _______________ _______________ _______________.

6. 该是起床的时候了。

_______________ _______________ _______________ get up.


句子追踪练 1. What did, do 2. What about 3. to have lunch 4. How / What about 5. on Sunday morning 6. It’s time to


一、 用括号内词的适当形式填空

1. My cousin often spends his spare time(空闲时间) _______________ (read) books.

2. Jane often practices _______________ (play) the guitar on Saturday afternoon.

3. Most of _______________ (they) went to the library yesterday morning.

二、 根据汉语意思完成下列句子

4. 你不应该在衣服上花费太多钱。

You shouldn’t _______________ too much money

_______________ clothes.

5. 我和朋友一起度过了快乐的一周。

I _______________ a happy week _______________ my friends.

6. 在这儿你可以做任何你喜欢的事情。

You can _______________ _______________ you like here.

三、 按要求改写句子

7. I did something last Sunday. (改为否定句)

I ___________ ___________ ___________ last Sunday.

8. Don’t spend too much time on computer games. (改为同义句)

Don’t __________ too much time ___________

computer games.


新词达标练 1. reading 2. playing 3. them 4. spend, on 5. spent, with 6. do anything 7. didn’t do anything 8. spend, playing



1. It _______________ (be) April 10th yesterday.

2. What _______________ you _______________ (do) last weekend?

3. What _______________ your sister _______________ (do) last weekend?

4. Last Saturday, I _______________ (play) tennis.

5. Did you _______________ (stay) at home last night?


语法同步练 1. was 2. did, do 3. did, do 4. played 5. stay
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